Review of the Bandito

October 26, 2008

As I mentioned before, I won a toy in a contest on Essin’ Em’s blog (go check it out, it’s an amazing read).  My part of the bargain was that I review said toy on the site from whence it came. I did so, but for reasons I’m not going to get into right now I’m not going to link to that particular shop. It’s a long story and actually has nothing to do with me, so it’s not even my story to tell. Suffice it to say I’m wary. (Edit for more info: This is basically a CYA thing. A couple of other people have had issues with the store in question, while others have had no problems at all. I always say, when in doubt, stay neutral.)

I did figure I’d share the review, though. It’s a quickie, and it’s a touch different than I posted on the other site. I added some extra information that I thought about after the fact and corrected some grammar errors. Without further ado:

The Bandito by Fun Factory

Okay, wow. This is a fun toy.

This was my first silicone toy, and if they’re all this good, I’m hooked (so is the Bandito, coincidentally). The silicone was non-irritating for my girly bits, which is good. I seem to have developed a sensitivity to jelly and have had to dispose of a couple of beloved toys…*hangs head in respect*

First, as I’m sure you’ve all heard in the past, silicone is good. It can be sanitized completely so it can be shared; give it a good boiling.  It’s a lovely smooth material, and it has some decent weight to it.

This particular toy has a very distinctive curve at the tip for g-spot stimulation…and boy howdy, it does its job. It’s not a huge toy; it’s not a small one either. Perfect size, perfect curve, and perfect material. The surface of the dildo has beautiful ridges and whorls and looks sculpted.

It is harness-compatible, but I didn’t try it with a harness (don’t own one yet). The three-sided base seems as though it would be excellently designed for the function, though. Speaking of the base, while it doesn’t look like a suction cup, it does work as one. I haven’t yet found the right angle to use it when suctioned to a wall, but it stays on strongly.

A few caveats: First, if you’re like me, g-spot stimulation is wonderful if you’re already quite worked up, but annoying if you’re not. Make sure you’re very very ready by the time you slip this guy in, and it’ll be spectacular. A corollary to this warning: if you are an ejaculator, get a towel ready.  Srsly.

Second, being silicone, don’t use your silicone lube with it. Ever. It’ll destroy it. Don’t even think of your silicone lube when you’re holding the Bandito.

Third, get something to keep it in, even if it’s a big ziplock (bigger than a quart). Silicone attracts everything. Dust, lint, cat hair…let it go too long and it’ll look like a lint brush nightmare.  As a side note, silicone would make an excellent cat grooming tool.

All in all…worth the price. I’d definitely recommend.

Quickie Post

October 24, 2008

Just wanted to let you guys know I’m still around, and I’ll be doing at least a couple of posts in the next couple of days.  Family issues are calming down and will hopefully be back to normal in a month or so.

Posts upcoming: Humor and fun in BDSM. A review of the Bandito (thanks, Essin’ Em!). Possibilities for moving the blog. A little introspection (yes, again, introspection). More pervertibles. More DIYs and How-tos.

So look forward to those, and more.  In the next few weeks, I’ll also be starting to review products for, which is a supercool thing. If you’ll look on the right of this page, you’ll notice a Babeland graphic. Click on that if you decide to shop, kay? ;)

More later.

Gaming Night HNT!

October 23, 2008

So my whole gaming group is kinky.

Tonight, we played for the first time in a few weeks (d20 Modern X-Files homebrewed game). We jokingly threatened CK (“No, don’t throw me in that there briar patch!”) with being tied up after the game.

Without going into too much detail–because really, I’m simply too tired for a full-blown post–here, ladies and gentlemen, is your HNT for this week. Not me this time, mind you. ;)


Oh Noes! I’ve been tagged!

October 21, 2008

The Butterfly Temptress tagged me with a meme!

The Rules-
* Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
* Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog – some random, some weird.
* Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blog.
* Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Step one: check.

Step two:

  • I roast coffee, brew beer, and can skin and butcher my own meat.
  • I get mildly obsessive about learning how things work.
  • My college work was in psych and criminal justice.
  • I’ve been trying to get the Playgirl issue with Peter Steele (from Type O Negative) for about ten years now; I’ve offered upwards of fifty bucks, but nobody I know will part with it.
  • I love durian (It’s a fruit. Look it up. You’ll understand why it’s worth mentioning).
  • I’ve seen Tom Jones live in concert. And y’know what? He was pretty damn cool. So was Johnny Mathis.
  • I have a small collection of bladed weapons that I’m always interested in expanding.

Step 3: This one’s tough, cause damn near everybody’s been tagged already…but here goes.

Thursday’s Child: Because she’s just so much fun.
Narration by D: Because he doesn’t write enough!
Mina and Sylvanus: Because I miss them on Twitter.
Alpine Subdreams: Because she posts pretty pictures. I still love the feathers!
Ellie: Because I’m so going to meet her one of these days.
VanImp: Simply because she’s awesome.
Curvaceous Dee: Because she inspired me to start this blog and I love her for it. ;)

Step 4: Profit! Err..comment! I’ll get right on that (eventually). ;) Forgive me if your comment doesn’t show up for a day or two…

Many Colors of Rope

October 20, 2008

Pretty pretty colors. :)

Some of these you’ve seen pictures of before, but here they are all together.
The colors unfortunately don’t come through as well as I’d like, but I’m working with a camera phone. Them’s the breaks until I get a decent camera.

The one at the top was the length I dyed last night: 30 feet of 6mm hemp. I used Scarlet 5 Rit brand dye, the liquid form. I followed the instructions to a point, though I didn’t stir constantly (it’s rope, not fabric), and I did let it simmer longer than recommended because I was *ahem* testing a new acquisition for review and got distracted. I found it easy to use (just dump in the water, heat, and go), but it seemed to take longer to rinse to the point of clear water than other methods. That may be because of the longer simmer time, but we’ll see. The color was very true to the label and very even. I also dyed two white cotton shop towels to match. I figure I’ll throw ’em in my toybag for various and sundry needs. ;)

The second one is also 30 feet of 6mm hemp. The dye used for this experiment was Purple 15 Rit brand dye, powder form. The instructions said to add a little detergent to the dyebath and a cup of salt, which the liquid form did not. I followed the directions on this batch almost exactly, and the color came out beautifully rich and even. It was somewhat darker than the package, but that’s what I was going for. It rinsed clear faster than the liquid type. I dyed two matching shop towels for this color as well. Gorgeously rich purple.

The third is another 30 feet of 6mm hemp. I used Kool-Aid for this one, three packs of Tropical Punch and one of Grape. The process is described in a little more detail a bit farther down in this entry, when I talk about my first experiments with it. The color isn’t as rich as I’d like, and didn’t seem to penetrate perfectly. I did only leave it on the stove for about half an hour, so perhaps longer time is needed.

The fourth is yet another 30 feet of 6mm hemp. This is the rope in its natural state, and I put it in the picture so you can see the base color for the previous three experiments. :)

The fifth and sixth in the picture are each 30 foot lenghts of an 8mm nylon-poly blend. To dye them, something I’ve mentioned before: Kool-Aid. The top one was Grape and the bottom Black Cherry. I also have a 30 foot length of Tropical Punch, not shown. ;) I saw several websites dealing with the idea, and all were different. The one I stuck with had some good visuals. Now, the page said to use one package per ounce; that’s overkill, people! Experiment with it, but you don’t need nearly that much. Now, you’ll notice that it’s not a uniform color. That was unexpected, but not a bad thing at all. Basically, one type of fiber took the dye and the other didn’t. The resulting effect is very pretty, almost candy-like. If I could figure out which fiber took the dye, and then find another type of dye for the other fiber? That’d be fun. ;) Any suggestions are welcome.

The seventh is 50 feet of 10mm nylon-poly blend. I used Red Rit brand dye (I don’t recall the number), powder version. I was actually disappointed in this dyejob. I followed the Two Knotty Boys‘ instructions to the letter, down to the exact brand and length of rope. I’m thinking either I completely missed something in the video I found, or there’s something odd about my water chemistry. Either way, instead of rich, even color I got an odd variegated pattern. Now, after the fact, I kinda like it. It looks vaguely like serpentine scales (only vaguely, but the impression is there).

The eighth experiment was the first I did, actually. It’s about five feet of approximately 6mm nylon-poly, dyed with super-strong tea (English Breakfast, to be precise, but any black tea will do). Brew it hella strong, strain out the leaves, then let the material simmer in the pot for a while. The color on the white rope makes it look somewhat like hemp at a glance; on fabrics like linen it makes it look antique.

To sum up: All of these experiments worked to a degree. For the truest, deepest colors, Rit seems to be the way to go. The Kool-Aid dyed ropes would be suitable to use in the mouth (bit gags and such; thank you again, Two Knotty Boys). The Rit-dyed rope I would be uncomfortable using like that unless it’s been washed several times and I was sure of the colorfastness.

All of these methods were similar in ease of use and ease of cleanup, the very simplest was the liquid Rit, which called for no additives. Colorfastness has yet to be truly determined, because that’s going to take time, use, and washings. The Black Cherry rope has been used and washed once and kept its color perfectly. As for color transfer to the skin, I think it passed the test (FM? Chime in. Did ya end up with any Kool-Aid marks in unfortunate spots? ;)).

A caveat to anyone that I practice on: I apologize if you end up with dyemarks. ;) I’ll keep soap on hand for cleanup.

As always, if anyone has any suggestions or comments, I love hearing them!

I Can Has Toys?

October 19, 2008

So I won a contest! 

Essin’ Em ran a contest on her blog Sexuality Happens, and the prize was the Bandito.  My limerick squeaked out a win (not sure how; there were some really good ones submitted. Check them out).  Also, check out the contest she’s throwing for her two year blogiversary. It looks like a hoot and I can’t wait to see the results. 

Yeah, so I’ll soon have a new toy. I’ve been wanting one anyway, and this one looks like it’s fun and versatile. ;)  It’ll be my first silicone toy as well, and I’m looking forward to it.  Fun Factory has a good reputation, from what I understand.  And of course, in good blogger fashion, I’m just gonna have to share my opinions when I get a chance to try it out. *grin*  

In other news, I’ve changed my mind on the dyeing of the hemp rope. I’m leaving one 30′ length its natural color and dyeing the other three lengths with three different methods. When I’m done, I’ll let you know how each method worked. That post should be up by Monday if all goes well. 

Again, thank you all for your patience during the past couple of weeks.  Normal posting should be back on track soon.

just a quickie

October 18, 2008

Hey there, this is just a quick post to let you all know that I’m still around and that I haven’t forgotten about you.

I’ve had kind of a rough week on the family health front, so I haven’t been in much of a headspace to post. However, things are starting to look up, so I’m going to be making myself get back into my routines again.

I have several posts planned, and there will be a review coming up at some point…so stay tuned!!

(Forgive any oddness about this post; I’m writing it in a restaurant on lunch break)

No Ass Shot This Week HNT!

October 9, 2008

So instead of ass, there will be boobies. 

This is a pleather bustier I got from Torrid a few years back. I dig it. ;) 

This shot is far less careful than most shots I’ve done so far for HNT. Instead of being focused on a small area, it shows stretchmarks and belly and arms and such…but it also shows boobies. Therefore…all is well. 

Also featured in this picture are some now-greenish remainders of some lovely bite-bruises on the soft curve of one breast and on my belly just beneath the bustier.  I debated showing those because I wasn’t sure how most HNT viewers would react…then I really thought about it. My conclusion? If they don’t like it, there’s plenty more bare flesh out there to look at. I’m doing this for me, not for them…and I enjoy my bruises. ;)

As for the pictures hinted at in the post from Sunday, you’ll just have to wait. I don’t have my paws on ’em yet. But soon…

Pervertibles, First Installment!

October 8, 2008

I’d like to make this a semi-regular installment on this blog. We’ll see how it goes.

The word ‘pervertible’ is not a word I coined, but my personal definition of it is this: something that is marketed as a mundane item that can be used in a decidedly different, and kinky, way.

I consider it different from DIY. Pervertibles are things that are usable as they are, or with very minor alterations. The DIY stuff consists of toys made from other things, if you get the distinction.

This first installment will consist of things I’ve already picked up, where I got the item and approximate pricing. The ones I’ve used I’ll review. ;) 

1. Dish Brush. Dollar Tree. $1.

This worked really well. The wide head full of stiff bristles got nice squirming, and the little bitty area of even stiffer scrubbing bristles on the backside (when I wrote this, I meant backside of the brush, but backside of the victim works in this context too. :)) got even more. This experiment was a success.

2. Mini-Duster. Dollar Tree. $1.

I figured this for a tickling kind of toy, but it wasn’t as effective as I’d hoped. I may go for a second test run of it with a different bottom (and different body parts). 

3. Flipper. Dollar Tree. $1. 

This was a fun one. *grin* It’s hard plastic, but just very slightly flexible. It gets a nice snap on various body parts. This was a very good success. 

4. Wooden ‘paddle’. Craft store. < $1.

This thing was even labeled ‘paddle’! Very nice, very stingy, completely nondescript. Another success.

5. Various and sundry clothespins, pegs, and clamps. Dollar Tree. $1 each pack. (cat not included)

Wow, these worked well. I’d never played with these guys before Saturday night (either on myself or others). I used the metal ones on DB for just a few minutes (he hadn’t used any quite that tight before). When they did finally come off and the blood started coming back…that was fun to watch. *grin* Now, the wooden ones: CK and I were doing a little playing last night(not a full-on scene, just a little fun) and he dragged ’em out. All I have to say is: wooooow. Best buck I ever spent. My nipples are still sore and supersensitive. I think I may coat the bitey end of a few of the wooden ones in tool dip for easier cleaning (in case I end up using ’em somewhere other than nipples. *grin*). Big success!

6. Loofah glove. Dollar Tree. $1.

Mildly scratchy surface. I haven’t used this one yet, but I think it’ll be interesting when I do.

7. Handled cutting board. Old Pottery (inexpensive kitchen/decorative stuff). $1.99.  

This is going to be a very effective paddle, I think. *grins evilly* I find myself walking through dollar stores, craft stores and kitchen stores smacking various things as subtly as possible against my thigh to test its pervertibility quotient. ;) This was my latest treasure.

Like I said, I hope to make this at least a semi-regular thing. I’ll post websites as I find them. If any of you have any ideas or interesting sites, send ’em my way! There’s an email link below. Pictures are always welcome, and I’ll include any submissions in a future installment, credited to the submitter. :)

Conditioning Rope

October 7, 2008

(edited because I completely forgot to reference and link to the company I purchased the rope from as I meant to!)

The hunt for rope began at Home Depot. 

I picked up a package of a nylon/polyester solid-braid blend and made floggers out of it. This began my fascination with the stuff. After that, I picked up another pack of 8mm nylon/poly, this one more of a twisted rope. I cut this into thirty-foot lengths, and this was my first set of bondage rope (the set I dyed with kool-aid, if you’ve been taking notes). I also picked up some ten-millimeter stock. I used this to make a rather heavy flogger that’s quite nice. 

In the interim, I bought a batch of manila and another of sisal. The manila simply isn’t going to get where I want it to be, therefore I gave up. As for the sisal, I researched it and realized it really wasn’t going to suit my needs before I wasted any time trying to condition it.

So I finally got my hemp rope in.  It’s from a company called Rawganique out of Canada.

After getting good information from Ellie Lumpesse, I started by singeing the rope to remove any sharp or long fibers.  I had a pot of water on hand in case of incident. The water attracted a certain curious pussycat.
After that, I plopped it into the pot to let it boil. It boiled for six long, stinky hours. I then dumped it out and hung it to dry.

This morning, I stretched it. My tools? Gloved hands and my feet. 

After the stretching came more singeing, then I oiled it with scented mineral oil. I’m not sure how much oil is actually called for, but I’m going to be working the rope more and adding more oil. It’s very very lovely, and I have four thirty-foot lengths of it.

I also have a spare three feet that I’ll be using for several dyeing experiments. This first batch is staying its natural color, however.

Conclusion: While I’m not completely done conditioning this rope, I will say it was worth the time. I don’t know if it’s going to be something I do often, or learn to do with any efficiency, but I’ve been enjoying this. I now understand the work that Twisted Monk puts into his stock, and I’ve heard his stuff is absolutely amazing. 

By the way, check out my bitchin’ sailor’s whipping:

It looks so much better than the electrical tape I did have on the ends of all my rope before. Oh, and the blurry black thing? Not the monster from Lost. That’s a cat trying to get his catfoot into frame while mommy’s shooting pictures.

There’s something about making your own tools. You’re putting your own time and sweat into it, and you’re putting something of yourself into it. There’s a connection there. My rope floggers aren’t the prettiest critters, but I know the feel of them. The vampire glove I made (which I gifted to DB) was downright ugly…but it got the job done, and I knew it. I urge everyone to make at least one toy for your bag. ;) See if you don’t enjoy it.

Tomorrow: Pervertibles!!

Impromptu Playparty! (part one)

October 5, 2008

The playparty I went to in August was put on by a group in a city a few hours away from where I live. One of the young men that was there (we’ll call him DB) that evening came down to visit SC and FM, and it was decided that there would be an impromptu play night. 

There’s a gentleman here in town that has a wonderful dungeon setup in his home, and he graciously allowed us use of it.  When we got there, there were three male subs, SC, and me.  I was a little apprehensive, because I’d only played in public once before, and I have so far been a bit of a lightweight when topping (publicly or privately). I’ve been mildly worried that I wasn’t cut out for it…

Well, I’m no longer worried. I think I held my own relatively well. *grin* I used some of my own toys and some of SC’s as well, starting with my homemade vampire glove…this seems to be a great starting toy. It sensitized the hell out of DB’s skin, which made everything else ever so much fun.  Between SC and myself, DB got topped for about four hours. The boy’s a tank. He got flogged, whipped (I got to use a dragon’s tongue for the first time), scratched, bitten, clamped (the metal clips from the dollar store run got some use), caned, and spanked…and had no complaints. 

Remember my blog post about the first play party, and how I said I really wanted an evil stick? Well, I got to use one, and I reaaally want one now.  Other toys I saw that I lust after: stocks, a bondage chair with metal shackles, and a paddle with the word ‘slut’ written in reverse on the face. Hit somebody just right, and the word imprints itself on the body part whacked. More about that on HNT. ;)

I also got to play with my newfound rope addiction, making cuffs and a body harness for FM, who kept laughing and saying it was scary how fast I was picking things up. CK got there a little later, but wasn’t really in the right headspace to actually play.  I think he still had fun watching for the rest of the evening after we shackled him into the chair. ;)

On a silly note, while DB was shackled and I was beating the hell out of him, I leaned over his shoulder, bit him, and said “Cake or death?”.  He started laughing and responded properly: “Cake, please!”  Me: “Well, we’re out of cake!” Him: “So my choice is ‘or death’?”. You have to love an Eddie Izzard fan, and throughout the evening the references kept coming. *grin*

For your visual pleasure, an ass ravaged by the evil stick (posted with DB’s permission): 

And yeah, the evil stick stings…a lot. More about that on HNT as well. ;)

The night was great fun. Hopefully there’ll be more fun in the future. 

BDSM checklist: brought to you by the letter D.

October 5, 2008

And now for the second installment of the Erotic Bohemian’s BDSM checklist meme.

From the list below, select the activities you have partaken in and feel comfortable sharing your experiences on. In your blog, tell about:
An activity (or activities) that was a fun experience for you. What did you enjoy or what was an especially pleasurable activity? If you’ve never attempted any on the list, which do you think you’d enjoy if you had to choose one and why?
What, if any, of the activities below pushes a limit for you? Have you attempted it?
What, if any, of the below items was a good learning experience for you?

And here are the “D’s”….
Daily Diary/Reporting

For introspective purposes, it’s not a bad plan. I tend to do my introspection on my blog, however, though it may not be daily.  As for assigning this for someone else…it would really depend on the person. 

Daily mantra

For me, I don’t know how effective this  would actually be.  A daily mantra seems like it would be a very personal thing to me, rather than something assigned.

Diet Control

I’m more one for a top/bottom dynamic than a D/s one in my personal world; for a D/s couple this would be an interesting way to help cement that power exhange. 


Not my thing, really. We discussed the age play thing in the first part of the meme.

Dildo (For Female Pleasure)

Ohyeah. I keep seeing new and interesting shapes I want. I’m becoming a sex toy snob, I think…

Dildo (For Male Pleasure)

I haven’t yet been intimate with a male that was willing to experiment with that sort of experience…I do have to admit the idea is intriguing.

Domestic Service

For a short amount of time, this would be a pleasant diversion (speaking from the Domme side of the equation).  On the sub side of things, it’s not something I’ve really considered. Depending on the dynamic with the person, I might consider it for a short period just for the experience. 

The Ds turned out to be a short section, but there it is. More later, when the Es are posted. ;)

Things Ain’t Always What They Seem HNT

October 2, 2008

So I drank some wine during the debate, and probably ended up drinking too much. Since I hadn’t put up my HNT so far, I decided to go ahead and go for it.

I have to admit, I had to really screw up my courage for this one. I thought, you know, eventually this is something I was planning on sharing on my blog, and might as well get it out of the way.

This week, even though my entry’s a little late, is a first for me on this blog.

It had to happen eventually: A pussy shot.

You’ll have to forgive me, it’s a little hairy right now.
I’m a bad person. *snicker* HHNT. :)

It seemed an interesting idea…

September 30, 2008

And as I’ve said before, I’m a sucker for introspection.

Stolen from The Sweltering Celt: TMI Tuesday! I don’t know if this is something I’ll do every week, but I liked this one. Therefore, here we go:

1. What do you feel is the difference between sexy and erotic?

Erotic is more sensual, Sexy is more primal. The two can cross over quite often, but not always. Sexy is more out-there, obvious, while Erotic hints and teases.

2. Do you believe there is one right person (i.e. soul mate) for you out there in the world, or that there can be many different potential mates that you could live blissfully with?

I’m not one for the ‘soulmate’ idea personally. I think delicately handled poly relationships are very doable, and can make for very happy people. To limit oneself to one partner because of the ‘one right person’ concept can potentially shut someone out of your life that could truly enrich your existance.

3. Do you need to hear “I love you” or similar words on a regular basis from your partner?

I don’t necessarily need to hear ‘I love you’; but I do occasionally need assurances that I’m wanted. A compliment out of the blue, a sensual kiss that takes me by surprise, any number of little things to make me feel that my partner actually gets something out of having me around. ;)

4. What feeling do you have the most difficulty expressing?

Tough call. I’m going to settle on Desire (not sure if it counts as a ‘feeling’ exactly, but there it is). Desire: It’s difficult (read: impossible) for me to admit to someone that I’m interested in them as more than a friend unless they’ve already expressed interest in me. Rejection is extremely hard for me to take. It’s something I’m working on, and will continue to. (Okay, this question was actually tough for me to answer and not edit out. I’m going to leave it, at least for now. I may puss out later. ;))

5. What is worse – physical, mental or cyber cheating?

Another difficult question, as the definition of cheating really depends on the people in question. Once the boundaries are set, then my choice for most betraying is physical cheating. To me, cheating is dishonesty. If I’m in a committed relationship, and my partner wants to sleep with someone else, they can tell me. We’ll discuss it. If we agree it’s not a bad idea, then cool! Be careful, be safe, and give me details when you get home. ;) If you simply go behind my back, or lie to me about it? Yeah, I’m pissed.

If it’s cybering, all it is is interactive porn in my opinion. As long as it’s not affecting the relationship, it’s nothing to worry about. mental/emotional cheating is still in the thought-fantasy stages. It’s a little closer to the worry point, but can spawn communication about any problems that may be in the relationship. Once it’s physical, it’s real, and is much more difficult to return from. In my opinion, honesty and communication are always the keys to any relationship.

Bonus (as in optional): The Kinsey scale attempts to describe a person’s sexual history or episodes of their sexual activity at a given time. It uses a scale from 0, meaning exclusively heterosexual, to 6, meaning exclusively homosexual. Where are you – TODAY – on the scale?

This actually does vary day by day (the tendency, not in terms of actual episodes). Today? I’m probably a 2. I’m still finding females attractive, but I’m really craving sex with a male right now. Ask me tomorrow, you may get another number. ;)

This was actually kind of tough. Good on ya, Sweltering Celt.

This Post Made Me Smile

September 28, 2008

This post, from the Writing Dirty blog, genuinely made me smile, and sigh wistfully. His work is always good, but this particular post just struck a chord. Well done. :)

Soft and Sweet: HNT and Bonus

September 25, 2008

First, the soft.

I like textures. I love petting things (and people). I like most textures, but soft things are a particular pleasure. I go into a fabric store and it’s like a petting zoo for me. And every once in a while I come across something I can’t resist…

I petted a bolt of fake fur at the fabric store last time I was there and couldn’t move away from it; I just kept petting it. I finally ended up buying a yard of it. Part of has gone to making a soft mitt to go in my toybag; another part is going to be a mitt for SC. The rest…well, the rest I just pet. :) That or curl up under it so I can feel it on my skin. I really like textures.
*grin* Sprawled out on the sofa, wrapped in soft fur; I feel all ‘Slave Chicks of Gor’ here.

And now for the bonus.

The sweet: People seemed to get a kick out of the M&Ms in the cleavage shot, so I thought I’d go for another body part and another candy.

So life savers on the hip it became!

…what, you didn’t think the sweet referred to me, did you? *snicker*

HHNT, y’all. ;)

BDSM Checklist

September 25, 2008

The always-thinking Erotic Bohemian has started putting up her standard checklist up on her blog in series, with a call to other bloggers to talk about their own experiences with the activities within. Being that I love a good introspection, of course I took the bait.

Here goes:

  • An activity (or activities) that was a fun experience for you. What did you enjoy or what was an especially pleasurable activity? If you’ve never attempted any on the list, which do you think you’d enjoy if you had to choose one and why?
  • What, if any, of the activities below pushes a limit for you? Have you attempted it?
  • What, if any, of the below items was a good learning experience for you?

I’m kind of altering the original idea and going through each activity. Some I like, some aren’t so comfy, and some I’ve never tried. And for those of you that haven’t been reading my blog and don’t know me, I’m quite the switch, which is why I’m answering on both the top and bottom angles. ;)

The Checklist: Part I

I like sensations of many many kinds. If I’m understanding this right, it’s abrasive sensation, sandpaper, etc? If that’s the case, I’m up for trying it. ;)

Age Play
It’s not my thing. I know people that are into it, but it’s not something I would be into myself.

Anal Fisting
Receiving end? Oh no. Uh-uh. Giving end? If the other person was really into it (and I knew a little more about doing it safely), I’d consider it. It wouldn’t be a suggestion I’d bring up personally (Hey, I know what we can do that’s fun!!!). ;)

Anal Sex
Yup. When done properly, it’s quite fun. Always remember: LUBE IS YOUR FRIEND.

Animal Roles
This one’s kind of an odd one for me. I know it’s referring to pony/puppy/kitty play, but I have a rather strong animal side to me, and it can show up during sexual play. It’s not really a kink, just a personality thing.

Ass Worship / Analingus
Not something I’ve been on either end of. With proper safety precautions, it wouldn’t be out of the picture either way.

Bathroom Use Control
Not something I’d find fun on either end.

Beating (Soft)
Beating (Hard)
As in rough body play? On the giving end: I’m learning a little bit about this, coincidentally. CK likes it, and I want to be able to do it safely. As the recipient: Not sure I’d dig it, but it’s not something I’ve tried (other than playful wrestling with friends). Jury’s out on that one.

Behavior Modification
I’m not interested so far in long-term D/s relationships, and this would definitely have to be along that line. It’s interesting to hear about, however.

Depends on the individual, the setting, and the situation.

Being Bitten
Oh yeah. ;) I think we all know I like this one. Biting or being bitten, actually.

Haven’t tried, either end. I’d be willing to.

I like the idea of someone else in one; I find it aesthetically pleasant and fun from a top’s point of view. As for myself, I’m not sure if I’d like it or not. I’d like to try wearing one at some point. The bit gag was an interesting headspace for me, and I wouldn’t be surprised if a blindfold did something similar.

Body Writing
From a fun body art kind of perspective, could be interesting.

Body Worship With Tongue
I like to lick. ;) I like to be licked. That one’s pretty simple. :)

Bondage (Light)
Bondage (Heavy)
I’ve played with light bondage so far and have enjoyed it immensely, both being the one bound and the one doing the binding. ;) Haven’t tried heavy bondage yet, but am very willing.

Bondage (Public, Under Clothing)
The public stuff isn’t my thing. I don’t think I’d get a kick out of this one…

Boot Worship
Clothing is nice, but it’s not a fetish to me. It’s not anywhere near a limit or anything, but not something I’d seek out.

Branding (Permanent)
I rarely say never, but this one’s close. There’d have to be a really good reason.

Breath Control / Asphyxiation
This is currently a limit for me. I can deal with having light pressure on my throat, but that’s where the line is. And I also won’t control someone else’s breathing; it’s too dangerous and I’m too new at all this.

I think it’d be fun to have someone on ‘display’, as it were. As for myself, I’m not one to like being on display myself. I do have to admit, though, a part of me does find the idea intriguing. I’m not sure if I’d enjoy it, but it would be an interesting experience.

Haven’t tried it, but I really want to. Pretty welts. ;)

Castration Fantasy
As a mindfuck during a scene, it might be interesting…

Nope. I’ve been in too many hospitals and dealt with too much illness in others for this to be appealing to me.

Cattle Prod
That’d be fun to play with. *grin*

Cigarette / Cigar Smoke
Nope. Don’t find it sexy in the least.

I enjoy the aesthetics of chains; they’re visually, aurally, and tactilely appealing.

Discussed up there in breath play. *points up*

Clothespins (What body parts? )
Very curious about playing with clothespins. I picked some up during one of my ‘pervertibles’ trips to the dollar store, but haven’t had the opportunity to use ’em yet. And what body parts? I really don’t know, to be honest. I’m open to experimentation.

Clothing Specified
not sure what this one means?

Love the way they look on others, love the way they feel on me.

Competitions (With Other Subs)
This would be something I’d enjoy watching. ;)

Confinement (Long Or Short Term)
Confinement by itself? Not so much.

Crawling On Hands & Knees
This would have to be in context. I’m not into humiliation myself, and this resonates like that for me. If I was topping and my playmate was into it, that’s another thing altogether.

Pleasant to watch; not really a personal kink of mine, but I can appreciate the appeal of it for others.

I’m thinking this one’s an N/A for me. :)

Cum Eating (yours)
Cum Eating (others)
Other than the spelling of ‘cum’ squicking me (don’t know why. ‘come’ is fine, but ‘cum’ grates. :)), I don’t have a problem with it in the context of giving oral sex, at least. Now, basic safety makes this one a no-no with casual partners.

Love ’em, both on myself and others.

Cum tasting, consumption (yours/others)
Didn’t we just do this one? *points up*

I’m a fan. ;)

I’m very curious about cuttings; I’m not sure how I’d enjoy being on the recieving end, but I think I’d dig it. As for being the one doing the cutting, I think I’d be too tempted to taste, which ain’t healthy. ;)

Now, keep in mind: if I said I wasn’t into your particular kink, please don’t take it as an insult! My opinions are just that, and your mileage may vary. :)

If anybody has any questions about my answers or wants me to clarify, speak up! I’m listening. :)

Blogging Ego Boosts!

September 24, 2008

So (every time I start a post with the word So, I think of The Snarling Misanthrope. Thanks) I started playing with Feedburner yesterday. It’s supposed to help people subscribe to my blog feed if they were having issues (apparently some were), optimize my readers’ ‘feed experience’ (whatever that is), and get my name out there a little bit.

I have to admit to a little net-vanity here; I enjoy knowing that people are reading my blog. I like that people are perhaps learning something, or getting a laugh, or (to be embarrassingly honest) checking out my HNT pics. ;) I don’t have a commercial interest in this blog in any way. Someday if I get a big readerbase (or if I get a bitchin’ discount. ;)) I may add some affiliate links or somesuch, but otherwise there’s no actual reason for me to really want to build my readership. I still do, so I’m going for it.

As for the Ego Boosts mentioned in the title:

Since I started using StatCounter in mid-August, I’ve gotten almost 700 page loads. 488 unique visitors (now, keep in mind, I think this is controlled by cookies and if people remove their cookie for the site that can skew it).

I get people visiting from home, from their phones, and from their work. ;) You know who you are.

People from all over the world have seen this blog at one point or another. The top ten countries:

  • The US had the most.
  • Then New Zealand! I have a big Kiwi following. *waves at Dee, VanImp, and the rest of the Kiwis!*
  • The UK’s right after that.
  • Canada and…
  • …France are tied.
  • Then Australia. I really think I need to move to the Southern Hemisphere.
  • Italy is next.
  • Ireland ties with Italy.
  • Then Poland and
  • The Ukraine.

There’s more, but only two or three of each.

None of the hits came from search engines. A good amount came from links posted on other blogger’s sites (thanks, all y’all!).

Now, all of those stats are from my original StatCounter. What does feedburner do for me?

it tells me that I have actual subscribers. Subscribers may not show up on my hits (I’m still not completely sure how that works), but I realize that there’s people that actually read my stuff! Woo! I just have to make sure to keep my stuff interesting now. ;)

Thanks, all. You’ve read my ramblings, offered advice, and given feedback and encouragement.

Keep reading!

Non-kinky post alert! I got tagged…

September 19, 2008

Generally Useless But Fascinating Information About PantheraPardus

I got tagged. I haven’t done one of these in quite a while, so I figured I’d cave to the tag. I haven’t done anything kinky lately, so you guys are stuck with a meme tonight. *grin*

What are the last three songs you downloaded?
I don’t generally download songs; I have recently downloaded some ringtones: the theme from Dexter, the theme from Torchwood, and Mrs Robinson (the Lemonheads version).

What are the last three places you visited?
Hrm. I don’t go places often. Charlotte NC, Charleston SC, and Raleigh NC.

What are your three favorite movies?
They tend to change. Right now, Office Space, Snatch, and The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the Eighth Dimension.

What are your three favorite possessions. Huh. Dang. I’m not really sure how to answer this one, so I’ll go mildly facetious. ;) But three that I’d miss if they were gone: My computer, my athame, and my Hitachi. *grin* So I guess I’m a technopaganperv. ;)

What three things can you not live without?
Books, physical contact, and meat. *nod*

What would be your three wishes?
Stabilization of the government and economy (yes, I’m counting that as one), a small harem, a life of leisure. ;)

What three things haven’t you done yet?
(to try to keep this post legitimate to the blog, I’m gonna make ’em kinky things I haven’t done yet) Wax play, tried a violet wand (either end), bottomed in public.

What are your three favorite dishes?
Sushi/Sashimi (not really a dish, but it counts), shrimp and grits, and a good basic steak dinner.

Which three celebrities would you most like to hang out with?
Henry Rollins, Mike Rowe, and Jamie Hyneman.

Name three things that freak you out?
high-pitched sounds, some bridges, and mixing diet pepsi and milk (glares at CK. Ew.).

Name three unusual things you are good at.
making beer, talking down irate customers (not talking down _to_, but calming down), and (so I’ve been told) making kinky toys. ;)

Which three things are you coveting?
a shiny new computer (though I do like mine own), an evil stick, and a sexy corset. ;)

Name three bloggers you are tagging.
I’m going to let people tag themselves for this. ;)


September 18, 2008

This is entirely the fault of the Erotic Bohemian. All blame should be directed her way. ;)

M&Ms: they melt in your mouth, not in your…cleavage?

I’m actually surprised I’m brave enough to post shots like this…I think my shy may be starting to fade here and there. ;)